FlashFire Studios Wiki

The Ice Torgu are Stone Torgu whom have adapted to the northern climates. They are generally nice but have been known to be mischevious.


They lived in igloos. The Magma Torgu declared war on them. As a result of loss of many Torgu, they kidnapped Water Torgu in an attempt to freeze them and create more soldiers.

Further Documentation[]

This is the sheet used to develop the species.

What are they made of?[]

Ice Torgu are made of ice and snow mainly.

What environment did it evolve in?[]

It evolved in a MASSIVE planet millions of times bigger than Earth, with conditions extremely similar to Earth.

How does your creature eat?[]

It doesn’t, it sucks energy from the air.

How does it reproduce?[]

When they lose body parts, if they are taken care of, they will turn into other Ice Torgu

What does it look like?[]

Levitating body parts, 15 feet tall, made of ice.

What senses will your creature have?[]

Sight from it’s 3 eyes. It smells and tastes and hears through it’s mouth. It can feel with it’s body.

Race Name: Ice Torgu

Home Planet: Aka’ii

Breathable Atmosphere's: Any, performs best in air.

Hospitable Environments: Land, tundras, snow, ice.

Government Type: None, they just naturally get along and agree.

Body Type: Biological, ice and snow.

Technology Level: Seemingly advanced, they are capable of space travel surpassing light speed easily. They do not possess weapons.

Race Description: They are 15-20 feet in height. They have a 3rd, human like eye between their two black ones. All body parts are levitating about the body using magnets that push and pull constantly, causing a levitation effect. They are made of snow and ice, icicles hanging off of them.

Race History and Bio: The Ice Torgu evolved from the northernmost regions of Aka’ii. They essentially became ice. They are often friendly and peace loving, but due to intense fights with Sky and Magma Torgu, they went to war.
